-I- Soon in June -I-
Morbid Sacrifice
Cursed Recordings_Bandcamp
-I- -I- -I-
-I- New arrivals June 2019 -I-
ANTUMIA (Pan) "Ankore Jai: Deutsch- Panamische Koalition des Krach's" MC [Sodomistic Rituals Productions]
BAPHOMETH (Ven) "Ars Moriendi" MC [Profaner Records / Tanatofobia Productions]
BLACK BEAST (Chl) "Demo # 2" MC [Triumvirate of Evil]
BODE PRETO (Per) "Mystic Massacre" MC [Into the Abyss Domains]
ENSSEMINIS (Per) "Relatos Retorcidos" MC [Into the Abyss Domains]
HADEZ / GOD'S FUNERAL (Per / Esp) "Bicefalo Culto Ancestral" Split MC [Profaner Records]
IMPALER OF PEST (Col) "Warlords of Death" MC [Triumvirate of Evil / Tribulacion Productions]
IMPRECATION "Jehovah Denied" MCD [Triumvirate of Evil]
MASTER OF CRUELTY (Pry) "Spit on the Holy Grail” MC [Warfuck Records / Southamerican Holocaust / Sudaca Records]
MASTER OF CRUELTY (Pry) "Archaic Visions of the Underworld" MC [Triumvirate of Evil]
NECROCCULTUS (Mex) "Solemnelohim, bringer of death" MC [Warfuck Records]
NUNSLAUGHTER (USA) "See you in Fucking Hell" MC [Southamerican Holocaust / Warfuck Records / Sudaca Records]
OBROK (Bgr) "Obrok" MC [Sodomistic Rituals Productions]
OKKVLT (Ven) " Anti Theosis de Profvndis (Exvrvs Rationalitas)" MC [Profaner Records]
PERVERSION (USA) "Rehearsal 2017" MC [Profaner Records / Tanatofobia Productions]
SADOMORTUARY (Ita) "Sadomortuary" MC [self released]
SEXORCIST (Per) "Necromantic Confinement" MC [Into the Abyss Domains]
SPECTRAL MOON (Per) "Demo Rehearsal MMXVI" MC [Zombi Danz Records]
SUPERSTITION (USA) "Surging Throng of Evil´s Might" MC [Triumvirate of Evil / Trauma Records]
TUMBA (Esp/Pan) "Demo(nio) III" MC [Metaltifus Productions]
UNGOD (Deu) "Circle of the Seven Infernal Pacts" MC [Warfuck Records / Southamerican Holocaust]
VOID OF NAXIR "Catacomba, Opera I" CD [Zombi Danz Records]
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-I- Out Now -I-
-I- Good Friday -I- April 19, 2019 -I- Good Friday -I-